
Selena Davant
December 31, 2021
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The Challenge

Clubhouse, the pioneering audio-only app, had successfully created a platform for real-time discussions. However, to maintain user engagement beyond the app and highlight its unique and human-centric nature, they needed a swift, adaptable, and engaging content strategy.

Additionally, one of Clubhouse's significant challenges was to launch a creative campaign introducing their much-anticipated feature, the DM (Backchannel), in under six weeks. They sought to create a comprehensive campaign strategy, including video scripts, to make this introduction a success.

The Solution

Our solution involved developing a robust content strategy that celebrated the daily creators shaping Clubhouse's identity. We transformed noteworthy discussions from the platform into engaging and thought-provoking content for Twitter and Instagram.

A playful yet impactful hero video script was crafted, aligning with the brand's personality, and the iconic "paper plane" button icon was used to establish visual recognition. Additionally, we created various video scripts showcasing the diverse ways people could use this new feature.

Key Results

Within eight months, our digital approach to grow Twitter and Instagram yielded remarkable results:

  • Twitter saw a remarkable 7,248% increase in followers, totaling 426,934
  • Impressions surged by an astounding 12,833%, amassing over 70 million.
  • Engagements skyrocketed by 4,035%, with 1.1 million users actively participating daily.
  • On Instagram, follower count surged by 320%, reaching over 36,281.
  • Impressions soared to 420,000, marking a 370% increase.
  • Engagements flourished with a remarkable 1,854% boost, totaling over 18,000.
  • The introduction of the Backchannel garnered substantial attention, resulting in 101,117 post link clicks—a remarkable 992% increase.
  • The hero video on Twitter amassed 727,799 impressions, 54,922 media views, and 15,121 total engagements.
  • The community's response was overwhelmingly positive, with users and influencers expressing their excitement about the new communication feature.

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Selena Davant

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