
Selena Davant
April 17, 2019
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The Challenge

Greystar Real Estate Properties faced a unique challenge with most of their properties situated in areas susceptible to gentrification concerns. This challenge was compounded by a noticeable influx of comments on their social media platforms, primarily addressing pricing and the perceived role they played in gentrifying communities dealing with evictions and displacements.

The Solution

Our strategic solution revolved around a hyperlocal content approach designed to showcase the distinctive and appealing lifestyle offered by the four Greystar properties we managed. By focusing on cultural events, along with amplifying local businesses and craft-markers, we forged a meaningful connection with the local community. We further enhanced this approach by creating comprehensive guides,producing high-quality video and photo content of each properties, and boosting posts to expand our reach beyond previous limits.

Key Results

Our approach delivered significant, positive outcomes for Greystar Real Estate Properties within our 4-year commitment:

  • Achieved a remarkable 416% increase in engagement.
  • Successfully added a significant 57% growth rate in new followers.
  • Expanded our reach across all four properties by an impressive 7%, reaching nearly 140,000 people annually.
  • Boosted profile visits by 132%, attracting close to 3,000 unique visitors per month for each property.
  • Elevated website clicks by 147%, generating nearly 600 clicks per month for each property.

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Selena Davant

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